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Create an Ad: BFAIR
By Sabrina Damms, iBerkshires Staff
05:41PM / Saturday, March 01, 2025
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Colegrove Park Elementary School fifth-grade students participated in our Junior Marketers Create an Ad series.

The create an ad winners.

Karina Martinez won Outstanding Design Employment Services.

Annabelle Davis won Outstanding Design Community Based Services.

Melanie Sprague won Outstanding Design Day Habilitation Program.

NORTH ADAMS, Mass.—Colegrove Park Elementary School fifth-grade students participated in our Junior Marketers Create an Ad series.
We contacted Berkshire County teachers and asked their students to help create an ad for our sponsors, and the community delivered. For the next seven months, we will showcase ads made by our creative next generation.
This month, students highlighted three programs offered by the social services organization BFAIR: employment services, community-based day services, and day habilitation. 
During their library period, the students received background information about BFAIR and its services and then were divided into three groups, each representing one of the BFAIR services.
The project gave students a better understanding of some of the struggles that individuals with disabilities have and taught them what BFAIR has to offer to individuals who have disabilities, said Alicia Sprague, library paraprofessional. 
It, maybe, demonstrated to the students that tasks often considered simple for everyday individuals can be more complex for those with disabilities, she said. 
The project emphasized that a person’s disability does not diminish a person's humanity, and everyone should have the opportunity to participate in activities, even if they require additional support, Sprague said. 
"There's a lot of people with disabilities in our community…some individuals could have a disability you don't even know it. I feel like so many individuals do have disabilities and that it should be normalized," she said. 
"There should be a level of acceptance and a level of understanding that there are individuals who do things differently because maybe their brains are wired differently, or their body isn't capable of doing certain things, so they need that extra help. So, I feel like having that level of empathy and understanding is a good thing for the students to have as well."
The organization's employment services help individuals with disabilities gain employment within the community through partnerships with local businesses, said Laura Baron, senior director of CBDS and employment services. 
"They’re getting an opportunity to take that step, hopefully, towards independent employment would be our ultimate goal, but they're able to have meaningful work in the community. They're able to make money and be more independent," Baron said. 
This program not only helps individuals with disabilities but also provides businesses with reliable staff to meet their needs, she said.
The winner for the Employment Services category was Karina Martinez because it "really shows how we support individuals with disabilities to be gainfully employed in the community," Baron said.  
There are several departments under employment services, including the bottle and can redemption center, located at 1000 Massachusetts Ave in North Adams, group employment services, and competitive integrated employment services. 
"There's a lot of flow between our departments, between employment services and the CBDs program, and actually, some of our folks do part time within each program, because they both have such meaningful opportunities for our folks, but we have had folks that have been with us since the beginning of the CBDS program," Baron said 
Community-Based Day Support provides a pathway to employment and retirement, focusing on community engagement, volunteering, and activities like swimming, cycling, and Special Olympics to help participants build skills and independence, she said. 
"At CBDS, we provide meaningful community opportunities, promoting inclusivity and supporting community organizations through volunteering," Baron said. 
The winner for the Community-Based Day Services category was Annabelle Davis because they felt her drawing represented their community focus in the program. 
"CBDS is always out in the community, with our participants allowing them to gain independence, focus on their well being, and support other organizations through volunteering," Baron said. 
"We hope the students were able to learn a little bit about BFAIR through this activity and gain an understanding of inclusivity and compassion."
The Day Habilitation Center offers medical-focused assistance tailored to individuals' needs. It primarily serves retired individuals or those whose medical status or abilities have changed, said Erin Shea, vice president of quality compliance.
The main difference between the Day Habilitation Center and the other programs is its medical model, she said. 
The program has on-site nursing, clinical services, occupational therapy, physical and speech therapy, and work on life skills daily, Shea said. 
The winner for the Day Habilitation Program category was Melanie Sprague "because it represented the program and its mission to help those in need, as it was actually spelled out in the photo," she said. 
Participants work on individualized, person-centered goals to enhance independence and life skills. 
"It's very person-centered. Everybody's plan is different. It's very individualized. It's very unique to their needs. I think that's a big focus for BFAIR; not everybody's the same," Shea said. 
"Everybody's different, and so we gear our programming and their day of service plans towards their specific needs."
Like many of the programs BFAIR offers, the Day Habilitation Center works with organizations and community members to provide activities, classes, or volunteer opportunities to participants, she said. 

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