Recovery Month Standout Planned in North Adams01:19PM / Monday, September 12, 2022 | |
NORTH ADAMS, Mass. — Wear purple and bring a sign to recognize Recovery Month on Tuesday at City Hall.
The stand out begins at 6:30 p.m. on the front lawn at City Hall and the Rev. David Anderson of First Baptist Church will give a prayer of remembrance and thanks.
The event is part of an ongoing effort to mourn losses to substance abuse and celebrate those who have overcome it. Recovery Month has been variously honored in North Adams through vigils, speakers and marches over the years.
Mayor Jennifer Macksey will read a proclamation recognizing Recovery Month at Tuesday's City Council meeting.
The standout will be approximately an hour. All those wishing to support and honor those in recovery, those seeking recovery and those wishing to acknowledge the dedication of North Berkshire recovery service providers are welcome to attend.