PITTSFIELD, Mass. — Berkshire County Arc is as much family as support agency.
That was the message on Friday morning as some 200 staff and clients filled the Itam Lodge for the nonprofit organization's 61st annual meeting.
"When it started it was just a job, now it's become a passion ... I've learned so much from every individual I've worked with, from every staff member, every supervisor and I can't imagine doing anything else for a living," said Barbara Tanski, BC Arc's brain injury site manager for 11 years and this year's recipient of the Carol Craighead Mission Award.
Craighead, who died in 2010, had been involved with BC Arc for more than 40 years, first working in the preschool and later serving on its board of directors for 15 years.
She exemplified BC Arc's mission to assist and support individuals in their quest to identify and realize their their chosen lifestyles. Today, it provides services to more than 600 county residents ranging from advocacy to employment to residential programs.
On Friday, the organization presented awards and plaques to partners and staff who have continued its mission and to the clients whose lives have been made better through it.
"I feel very much that this isn't a job, this isn't an agency," said Marc Bourassa on being recognized as the Outstanding Residential Services Employee. "This is a culture ... a culture of acceptance, a culture of understanding.
"This is a very, very firm base to work with our individuals ... to leave our mark on the world and not the world leave its mark on us."
For Citizen Advocate of the Year Amy Robandt, it's meant a close friendship with Marilyn England, for whom she became and advocate six years ago, a situation that has continued as she has been promoted to director of family services.
Judy Brunelle, recipient of the Citizenship Award, has found a purpose in making cookies every week and delivering them to local fire departments and biscuits for the dogs at Berkshire Humane Society.
Both Kathy Luscier and Margaret Hendricks were honored with Joan Grant Self-Advocate Awards: Luscier for her involvment at the local and regional level for advocating for herself and others and Hendricks for her more laserlike focus on lobbying for a new large refrigerator for her residential home.
The agency also recognized a number of employees for acheiving years of service, with the longest serving being its President and CEO Kenneth Singer, marking his 35th year with Berkshire County Arc.
Singer joined the agency in 1980 as a program coordinator and was named president in 1994.
Board Chairman Joseph Woitkoski said he'd been on the search committee that had selected Singer, who has since grown the agency both in program offerings and in reputation and quality.
"I can probably say today we chose the right man to lead Berkshire County Arc," he said. "One of his most admirable qualities is to surround himself with qualified staff. ... Ken's achievement over the past 21 years as CEO are absolutely second to none."
State Reps. Tricia Farley-Bouvier, D-Pittsfield, and Gailanne Cariddi, D-Pittsfield, brought resolutions from the city of Pittsfield and the House of Representatives; Mayor Richard Alcombright also read a resolution from his city, thanking Singer for his years working not only with Arc but with other regional and state associations.
"I am as motivated and happy as I was 35 years ago every day when I come to Berkshire County Arc," Singer said. "I love the people we serve and I love our staff ... you guys do a great job and I'm very, very fortunate to have a job like that."
Berkshire County Arc Awards
Board Award: Michael Ferry, treasurer
Employer Special Recognition Award: Marshall's, represented by store manager Joshua Hearne
Business Partnership Award: Miss Hall's School, represented by RebeccaTatro
Citizen Advocate of the Year: Amy Robandt, with her friend Marilyn England
Achievement Awards: Peter Britain, Ryan Phillips, Jay Katz, Leslie Scarlet and Lindsay Blagg
Joan Grant Self-Advocate Awards: Kathy Luscier and Margaret Hendricks
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